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Fax to Email

Fax to Email

> First Month Free

> No Long Term Contract - can cancel with 1 months notice

> One-Off Set Up Fee £16.00
> Monthly Service Fee £15.00
> Conversion to PDF and Email delivery FREE
> Unlimited number of faxes can be converted to email this is FREE.


If you decide to use our Fax to Email service, you will be allocated a dedicated fax line which is for your company alone and for the duration that you are a client of the company.

Any faxes which come through to your Dedicated Fax to Email line, will be converted to a PDF file and emailed to you.

As long as you have access to the internet and your email, you'll have instant access to the faxes which have been sent to you. This is great if you're abroad or if you're out of the office. It comes straight to your email address.

Faxes are taken 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.